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Letticia Banton

Integrative Psychotherapist

Hello, I’m Letticia. I am an integrative psychotherapist, registered with the UKCP and BACP. I am also in the process of completing a doctorate in counselling psychology and psychotherapy. I offer individual sessions in-person and online, for a range of presenting difficulties.


There are many different challenges that people may want to explore in therapy. These might include: depression, anxiety, stress, bereavement and grief, complex trauma and PTSD, low self-esteem, neurodiversity, disordered eating and addiction, sexuality and relationship difficulties.


Getting to know each other and building a strong relationship is important to me as a start, and a way for you to feel safe, so we can explore what you want to understand and change. It can take courage to decide to come to therapy and talk to someone about your current difficulties. On this journey, we would take a curious and compassionate approach to the exploration of your experience.


The breadth and depth of my training enables me to think about what you are struggling with from a range of perspectives, so I can best support and empower you. These include humanistic, psychodynamic, and cognitive behavioural approaches.


I have 7 years’ experience working with people from a diverse range of backgrounds who have faced different difficulties in life, which may lead to disconnection to a person’s authentic sense of self. My specialist interest is gender and I have 6 years’ experience working with non-binary and transgender people, including at CliniQ. My doctoral research is on the menstrual cycle in psychotherapy. 




Individual session cost: £75 for a 50-minute session

I also offer a limited number of low-cost places.



I offer an initial session where we can explore the help that you want and how we might work together. I charge for this initial session. If a brief telephone call would be helpful before we meet, please let me know and we can arrange this.

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